2008年9月25日 星期四




2008年9月24日 星期三

醫學專家:生活型態改變 亞洲中風比例攀升

(法新社)9月25日 星期四 08:20
(法新社維也納二十四日電) 醫學專家表示,亞洲地區生活型態改變,使得中風 比例逐漸攀高。大約有三千名醫學專家今天聚集在維也納參加一項為期四天的會議,討論如何預防和治療中風。

2008年9月23日 星期二


路透香港9月23日电(记者 Tan Ee Lyn)---有关专家周二表示,中国毒奶粉事件的“元凶”三聚氰胺在中国一直作为农业杀虫剂来使用,故可能在食物链中已存在很长时间。
翻译:张敏 发稿:王丰
© 路透 2008 版权所有
联系编辑请寄: cn.reuterseditors@thomsonreuters.com

2008年9月22日 星期一


(明報)9月23日 星期二 05:10
【明報專訊】經常發噩夢?試試在睡房放些鮮花吧!德國 研究人員邀請15名女子作氣味測試,再分析她們30日的睡眠狀况。

Sweet smells foster sweet dreams

Sleep with flowers in your bedroom if you want sweet dreams, work suggests.
When the smell of roses had been wafted under the noses of slumbering volunteers they reported experiencing pleasant emotions in their dreams.
An odour of rotten eggs had the opposite effect on the 15 sleeping women, the German scientists found.
They told a Chicago meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology that they now plan to study people who suffer from nightmares.
Sweet dreams
It is possible that exposure to smells might help make their dreams more pleasant, believe Professor Boris Stuck and his team from the University Hospital Mannheim.
They waited until their subjects had entered the REM phase of sleep, the stage at which most dreams occur, and then exposed them to a high dose of smelly air for 10 seconds before waking them up one minute later.

"Smell is the only sense that doesn't 'sleep' "
Professor Tim Jacob, an expert in smell and taste at Cardiff University

The volunteers were then quizzed about the content of their dreams and asked how it made them feel.
The sleeping women hardly ever dreamed of smelling something. Nevertheless, the emotional tone of the dream did change depending on the stimulation.
Previous research has shown that other types of stimulation, such as sound, pressure or vibration, can influence the content and the emotional tone of dreams.
Dr Irshaad Ebrahim of The London Sleep Centre said: "The relationship between external stimuli and dreaming is something we are all at some level aware of.
"This initial research is a step in the direction towards clarifying these questions and may well lead to therapeutic benefits."
Professor Tim Jacob, an expert in smell and taste at Cardiff University, said: "Smell is the only sense that doesn't 'sleep'. Information continues to reach the limbic system of the brain and that includes the hippocampus, or memory area and the amygdala, that is involved with emotional response.
"Other senses have to pass through the 'gate' of the thalamus, which is closed when we sleep."

Story from BBC


Published: 2008/09/22 09:08:00 GMT© BBC MMVIII

Sexist Attitudes and the Wage Gap

It's no secret that some people get paid more than others for doing the same job, but the reason may have less to do with employers' attitudes, than those of the employees themselves. In a new study, two researchers from the University of Florida find that men who subscribe to "traditional" (read stereotypical) ideas of gender roles make more money than their peers who have a more egalitarian mindset.
Organizational psychologists Timothy Judge and Beth Livingston found that men who reported holding traditional views (that is, that women belong in the home, while men earn the money) earned on average $11,930 more annually for doing the same kind of work as men who held more egalitarian views. The reverse was true for women, to a much smaller degree. Female workers with more egalitarian views (that men and women should evenly divide the tasks at home and contribute equally to their shared finances) earned $1,052 more than women who did similar jobs but held more traditional views.
The effect was starkest, however, when researchers compared women's salaries to those of men, while also taking into account their gender-role biases. Men with traditional attitudes not only earned more than other men with egalitarian attitudes, but their annual salary was $14,404 greater than women with traditional attitudes, and $13,352 greater than women with egalitarian attitudes. Put differently, men with traditional attitudes made 71% more than women with traditional attitudes, while egalitarian-minded men made just 7% more than their female counterparts.
Judge and Livingston analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Study, a survey of 12,686 people who were interviewed four times between 1979 and 2005. In 1979, the study group ranged in age from 14 to 22; by the end of the study, those volunteers were approaching 50. The salaries that researchers analyzed ranged from $22,795 on average for egalitarian-minded men to $34,725 for men with traditional attitudes. Women with egalitarian attitudes made $21,373, compared with women who held traditional attitudes and earned $20,321. The findings were published in the September issue of the Journal of Applied Psychology.
"What really surprised us was the magnitude of the difference," says Judge. "We suspected that 'traditional' gender-role attitudes would work against women. What surprised us was the degree to which that effect held, even when you start controlling for a variable that you think would make the effect go away, like how many kids you have, or how many hours you work outside the home, what type of occupation." When the researchers controlled for education, intelligence (based on the participants' IQ test scores), occupation, hours worked and even what region they lived in the United States, Judge found that "none of those really made the effect go away."
In other words, it's not that men make more than women because they work longer hours, are more highly educated or simply take higher paying jobs. Rather, the new findings suggest the wage gap may be largely attributable to gender-role attitudes. And the big winners, it seems, is men with traditional views. Why the gap persists, Judge and Livingston aren't sure, but Judge thinks it might be have something to do with the different ways men and women sign onto new jobs. Women on the whole are less effective at negotiating salaries than men, and they tend to be less aggressive about asking for bigger salaries, or they accept employers' offers without negotiating at all. And Judge suspects that tradition-bound women may be even worse at it than their more egalitarian counterparts: "I would posit that egalitarian women are not as susceptible to settling for less in the negotiating process," he says.
As for those money-making traditionally minded men, Judge theorizes that if they believe they are the family's primary breadwinner, they may show greater dedication to career and are perhaps more aggressive than other men in terms of salary negotiation. Compared with men with egalitarian attitudes, the primary breadwinner simply has more at stake. "Maybe the egalitarian guy thinks, 'Well, I don't have to go the extra mile because my wife and I share earning responsibilities equally,'" Judge says.
Another factor could be bias on the part of the employer. "We're learning that more and more aspects of organizational psychology are operating somewhat subconsciously," says Judge. "It may be that employers are more likely to take advantage of traditional gender-role women." We can learn a lot about someone based on a very short acquaintance; perhaps employers make judgments about a prospective employee's gender attitudes, on the basis of things like a more conservative style of dress or hairstyle and demure mannerisms, Judge says. "I wouldn't be surprised," he says, "if employers are treating these women differently." Employers perhaps should be aware of this subconscious effect and make more of an effort to be fair. "Most employers," says Judge, who studies gender differences in negotiating skills, "wouldn't be happy to see a big salary differential between men and women in the workplace."
The bottom line is that "psychology and people's attitudes toward their roles in life matters in an earnings gap, just as economics do," says Judge. But his sample of middle-aged men and women were employees of a more universally old-fashioned workplace; Judge thinks there's hope for future generations of workers: "The gap is narrowing," he says. "Older people do have more traditional views but each year the [attitude] gap between those that hold traditional views, and those that believe men and women are equal is narrowing. One would be hopeful that for new entrants into the workforce, this won't be as much an effect."

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Breast milk purged of HIV virus

A simple nipple shield that prevents HIV transmission from a breast-feeding mother to her child has been devised by a Cambridge University engineer.
Stephen Gerrard, a chemical engineer, has helped devise the shield that can disinfect milk as it leaves the breast.
The device uses a detergent used by biochemists to denature proteins for analysis.
A layer of cotton-wool soaked in the chemical is added to a conventional shield and this deactivates the virus.
The layer deals with the virus without having to go through heat treatment which is the normal treatment to deactivate the HIV virus.
The International Design Development Summit (IDDS) in the United States brought together engineers and field workers to work on research projects aimed at developing prototype designs.
Non-toxic solution
Mr Gerrard, together with a team of five others, was assigned the task of creating a practical design for heating breast milk to deactivate the virus.
"We quickly established this may be too lengthy a process for many women in developing countries so they might not have the time for it," he said.
"Research has shown that copper and copper compounds can work but another approach, carried out by a group at Drexel University seemed more promising.
"Their research has focused on sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), which can kill the HIV virus quickly and in fairly non-toxic concentrations."
Their project could also have benefits beyond prevention of HIV.
"We were concerned that using our nipple shield could be stigmatizing, since it would identify a mother as HIV infected," said Mr Gerrard.
"We're considering marketing it as a way to deliver medicines or micronutrient supplements to aid breast feeding. For example, they can also be used for iron or iodine deficiency."

Story from BBC


Published: 2008/09/22 11:23:59 GMT© BBC MMVIII





  很久沒刻意追看電視節目,此劇是我喜歡的類型,而工作上剛好發現,劇中主角湯川學應該是按照日本第一個獲諾貝爾物理獎的科學家湯川秀樹(Yukawa Hideki)而改造的,就連大學也是同一所。



2008年9月21日 星期日

美國的戰門機械狗,離製成Gundam Seed的巴古又近一步

以上的影片是介紹由波士頓動力學工程公司(Boston Dynamics)專門為美國軍隊研究設計,被命名為“大狗”(Bigdog)的四足機器人運作的情況,相關新聞也可以在「人民網」中找到:

這 段片有不少令人驚訝的地方(雖然那隻"大狗"發出的"躁音"很吵耳),例如當實驗人員大力踢了那個正在夠動中的"大狗"時,"大狗"竟然還可以保持平衡而 不跌在地上,而"大狗"在濕滑的雪地差點滑倒時也能做出適當的反應以防滑到地上,除此以外,"大狗"還能作出跳躍的動作,雖然在跳躍距離及高度上還算不上 甚麼,但已經相當厲害。現在的機械狗看來是為了運送軍用物質而設計,不過我想如果"大狗"的性能再提高,走得更快,能跳得更高更遠,體型再大一些,再配上武器的話,相信就會像Gundam Seed的狗型機械人"巴古"般用作戰鬥了。


2008年9月19日 星期五

Hawking unveils 'strangest clock'

A £1m clock called the "time eater" has been unveiled at Cambridge University by Professor Stephen Hawking.
The author of A Brief History of Time was guest of honour when the unique clock, which has no hands or numbers, was revealed at Corpus Christi College.
Dubbed the strangest clock in the world, it features a giant grasshopper and has 60 slits cut into its face which light up to show the time.
Its creator John Taylor said he "wanted to make timekeeping interesting".
The Corpus Clock will stand outside the college's library and will be on view to the public.
Dr Taylor is an inventor and horologist - one who studies the measurement of time - and was a student at Corpus Christi in the 1950s.
He has given the clock as a gift to his former college.
The grasshopper or "chronophage", meaning "time eater", advances around the 4ft-wide face, each step marking a second.
Its movement triggers blue flashing lights which travel across the face eventually stopping at the correct hour and minute.
But the clock is only accurate once every five minutes - the rest of the time the lights are simply for decoration.
Dr Taylor, 72, designed the timepiece as a tribute to English clockmaker John Harrison who solved the problem of longitude in the 18th century.
Harrison also invented the grasshopper escapement - a tiny internal device that releases a clock's gears at each swing of its pendulum.
Dr Taylor told the Daily Mail newspaper he decided "to turn the clock inside out... so you can see the seconds being eaten up".
"Conventional clocks with hands are boring," he said. "I wanted to make timekeeping interesting.
"I also wanted to depict that time is a destroyer - once a minute is gone you can't get it back.
"That's why my grasshopper is not a Disney character. He is a ferocious beast that over the seconds has his tongue lolling out, his jaws opening, then on the 59th second he gulps down time."
Big Ben
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The clock has taken five years and a million pounds to construct
The Corpus Clock is wound up by an electric motor which will last for the next 25 years.
It took a team of eight engineers and craftsman five years to mould the 24-carat gold-plated face.
Alan Midleton, curator of the British Horological Institute, said: "It's a wonderful idea.
"Only time will tell whether it will become as famous as Big Ben - I doubt it, actually."
Dr Taylor made his fortune developing the kettle thermostat.

Story from BBC


Published: 2008/09/19 15:56:05 GMT© BBC MMVIII


這段新聞令我想起電影「破天慌」(The Happening)


(法新社)9月20日 星期六 07:20(法新社華盛頓 十八日電) 「生物地球科學」雜誌今天公佈的研究報告指出,植物遇到乾旱或異常氣溫時,會散發類似阿斯匹靈的化學物質自救。研究成果可能有助農人避免農災。美國 科羅拉多州國家大氣研究中心團隊表示,植物散發的甲基水楊酸不但有助自身抵擋傷害、還可能有互相警告的用途。研究主持人卡爾說:「植物和人不同,人類會服用阿斯匹靈退燒,植物則能夠自行製造類似阿斯匹靈的化合物,誘發能增強生化防護措施並降低傷害的蛋白質 形成。」「我們在植物回應乾旱、氣溫異常或其他壓力時,測量到大氣中含有大量這種化學物質。」又稱阿斯匹靈的乙醯水楊酸,原先由樹皮中提煉而成,因此科學家已知這是一種植物生產的化合物。不過科學家從沒見過植物發散出這種氣體。研究人員表示,他們去年在加州一處胡桃林設置儀器、監控植物散發的揮發性有機化合物時,不經意地發現甲基水楊酸。

Junk food ad rules 'not working'

Adverts for unhealthy foods are still appearing during TV programmes seen by children, despite curbs introduced in January, a consumer watchdog has said.
Which? said the five programmes with the most child viewers and only four of the top 20 most popular children's shows were covered by Ofcom's rules.
These state that ads for "less healthy” foods are not allowed in or around programmes which "appeal" to under-16s.
But advertisers said Which's list included shows "not aimed" at children.
A programme is defined as being of particular appeal to children if the proportion of those under 16 watching a programme is 20% higher than the general viewing population.
This means shows like The Simpsons and SpongeBob SquarePants are covered, while shows like Beat the Star, Animals Do The Funniest Things and Emmerdale are not, even though they are watched by thousands more children.
'Not anti-advertising'
A two-week analysis by Which? found that ads for products including Coca-Cola, Oreos and Kellogg's Coco Pops were broadcast during programmes popular with children but not covered by the restrictions.
It said ITV's Beat the Star attracted more than half a million child viewers during the monitoring period, but had contained ads for Coca-Cola, Dairylea Dunkers, Nachos and Sprite.

"Their list includes programmes clearly not aimed at children and films screened after 10pm "
Baroness Peta Buscombe, Advertising Association chief executive

Which? food campaigner Clare Corbett said: "The ad restrictions may look good on paper but the reality is that the programmes most popular with children are slipping through the net.
"If these rules are going to be effective, then they have to apply to the programmes that children watch in the greatest numbers."
She added: "We're not anti-advertising, we're just against the fact that most of the ads children see are for unhealthy products, rather than the healthier foods they should be eating more of."
But the Advertising Association said Which? seemed to want to unfairly restrict companies' ability to deliver commercial messages.
Chief executive Baroness Peta Buscombe called its report "sensationalist, unconstructive and missing the point" and said the advertising industry took a "responsible approach" to food advertising.
She added: "Their list includes programmes clearly not aimed at children and films screened after 10pm.
"There clearly has to be an element of parental responsibility on which programmes they allow their children to view."
A Department for Culture, Media and Sport spokesman said: "For the first time, TV adverts for foods high in fat, salt and sugar are banned during programmes aimed at or of particular appeal to children under 16.
"Although children still see some of these advertisements, the current Ofcom regulations mean that the viewing of these adverts by children is reduced by an estimated 50%, an impressive amount."
He added: "We appreciate that there are calls for further restrictions on UK TV advertising but these should be considered once we have had a chance to assess the impact of current measures."
Ofcom is set to report to government on the success of its restrictions in December.
The Food Standards Agency, which drew up a model for deciding if a food was unhealthy, is also to assess how well it is performing.

Story from BBC


Published: 2008/09/19 00:29:44 GMT© BBC MMVIII

2008年9月17日 星期三

Seventh-grader shines with solar cell research

William Yuan won a $25,000 scholarship for his graduate level work
By Christina Lent
The Beaverton Valley Times, Sep 11, 2008, Updated Sep 16, 2008

William Yuan’s bright idea to create a new, more efficient solar cell earned him top honors as Oregon’s only 2008 Davidson Fellow.
As part of the honor, the 12-year-old Bethany boy will be flown to Washington, D.C., for a reception Sept. 24 at the Library of Congress where he will receive his award and a $25,000 scholarship from the Davidson Institute for Talent Development.
“William’s work was evaluated by university professors and environmental scientists,” said Tacie Moessner, Davidson Fellows program manager in a call from Reno, Nev. “They look for the project’s potential to benefit society and make sure it is socially relevant. Generally, the projects need to be at the graduate level.”
Yuan worked on his project for the past two years with the encouragement of his science teacher Susan Duncan; support of his parents Gang Yuan and Zhiming Mei; and counsel of professional mentors Professor Chunfei Li of Portland State University’s Center for Nanofabrication and Electron Microscopy, Fred Li of Applied Materials Inc. and Professor Shaofan Li of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of California – Berkeley.
“He is our youngest fellow in science that we’ve ever had,” Moessner said. “He is really spectacular.
“His project will really make a difference in advancing the technology of solar cells. You would never know he’s 12 looking at the quality of his work.”
Young talent
William Yuan is a seventh-grader in Meadow Park Middle School’s Summa options program.
He is an active member of the school’s Math Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) Club, First Lego League team and participant in the Science Bowl and MathCounts programs. He is also a two-time, second-place chess champion for the state.
Recognizing his interest in science, math and engineering, Yuan’s science teacher encouraged him to tackle a challenging engineering project for the Northwest Science Expo after introducing him to nanotechnology and renewable energy research.
“We learned about some great energy and environmental issues,” Yuan said. “To try to help, I researched the application of nanotechnology and renewable energy.
“I felt they would best complement my background knowledge and experience. After extensive research and community outreach, I wanted to work on a project to find a solution for some of the problems of the world.”
Yuan decided to focus his project on finding the most efficient way to harness the sun’s energy.
“I felt solar energy had large potential but it was underused,” he explained. “Fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas are only finite and are slated to run out by 2050.
“We need to make solar energy more cost effective and efficient.”
With that thought in mind, Yuan got to work.
“Current solar cells are flat and can only absorb visible light,” he said. “I came up with an innovative solar cell that absorbs both visible and UV light. My project focused on finding the optimum solar cell to further increase the light absorption and efficiency and design a nanotube for light-electricity conversion efficiency.”
Yuan invested countless hours in his research, seeking out new resources in the field to find a workable real-world solution.
“He has worked very hard in the past couple years,” his father Gang Yuan said. “We’re grateful that he had great mentors and teachers to guide him.
“When he started on his research, he had great curiosity and wanted to dig into it more. As his parents, we looked for experiences to help him.”
Watching his dedication impressed William’s parents.
“This generation’s sense of urgency is much stronger than my generation’s,” his father said. “They are thinking about the future and want to know how environmental issues will impact their generation.”
Promising future
Tapping into that talent and giving gifted youth the opportunity to excel is what the Davidson Institute is all about.
The national nonprofit organization recognized 20 students this year for their achievements.
Yuan admitted he submitted his project for review as a learning experience.
“This was a test run — I wasn’t expected anything,” he said. “I thought it would help when I entered another program when I was older.”
His work on developing his three-dimensional solar cell is far from complete.
“My next step is to talk to manufacturers to see if they will build a working prototype,” Yuan said. “If the design works in a real test stage, I want to find a company to manufacture and market it.”
The Davidson Institute scholarship will help Yuan further his research and his career in science and technology.
He plans to use the money to “attend one of the best universities in the country” and study nanotechnology, biotechnology or medicine.
“I’d like to work in technology at Google, Applied Materials or some other company that starts up between now and then,” Yuan said. “I’ve always liked math and science and engineering.
“If used properly, they can help solve the problems of the world. They can also be used to explore the world around us.”
Moessner has no doubt that Yuan will achieve great things in his future and looks forward to meeting him later this month.
“All of the fellows are really focused and driven but still humble,” she said. “They are also creative and brilliant.”

Copyright 2008 Pamplin Media Group, 6605 S.E. Lake Road, Portland, OR 97222 • 503-226-6397

Online gamers 'are not unhealthy'

The 'couch potato' image of computer gamers is unfounded, with many in better than average shape, claim US researchers.
More than 7,000 players of the online game "EverQuest II" were quizzed about their health by scientists.
They found gamers' body mass index (BMI) tended to be lower than the US average - with many taking "proper" exercise more than once a week.
But New Scientist magazine reports that depression was more common in gamers.

"A lot of people talk about 'excessive gaming' as if it is always bad to take part in gaming, but the context can make a big difference."
Professor Mark Griffiths
Nottingham Trent University

The increasing popularity of computer gaming has led to increasing scrutiny of its effects on the lifestyles and health of those who play the most.
Some have suggested that "excessive" gaming could fuel rising obesity and increase social and emotional problems.
The research, carried out by three US universities and published in the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, suggests this may not be the case.
They focused on just one game - EverQuest II - an online fantasy role-playing game - offering players a virtual weapon as a reward for returning the questionnaire.
Adult gamers had a body mass index of just over 25, which is the threshold for "overweight", while the US average is 28.
The average gamer also said that they engaged in vigorous physical exercise once or twice a week.
Obsessional or normal?
However, games did report more instances of depression and substance abuse than their non-playing peers, although whether this was caused by the game, or they were drawn to gaming because of pre-existing problems, is unclear.
Professor Mark Griffiths, the director of the International Gaming Research Unit at Nottingham Trent University, said the findings tended to bear out previous research in the field.
He said that while asking people for details of their physical health did not always elicit truthful responses, there was no evidence that anyone, other than a small minority, were being harmed by their relationship to gaming.
He said: "A lot of people talk about 'excessive gaming' as if it is always bad to take part in gaming, but the context can make a big difference.
"I can think of two case studies of people who both spend 12 hours a day playing EverQuest, but while one is clearly obsessional, the other one is perfectly normal.
"Genuine addicts are few and far between."

Story from BBC


Published: 2008/09/17 17:05:51 GMT© BBC MMVIII

世衛 2006瘧疾致百萬人死亡 非洲受創最重

(法新社)9月18日 星期四 13:50
(法新社日內瓦 十八日電) 世界衛生組織 (WHO)今天表示,根據最新統計數字顯示,二零零六年瘧疾肆虐造成全球近一百萬人死亡,其中又以五歲以下兒童和非洲 國家受害最嚴重。
世衛組織 在「年度瘧疾報告」中指出:「二零零六年全球有三十三億人口面臨瘧疾傳染威脅,其中二億四千七百萬人被感染,造成近一百萬人死亡,其中大部分是五歲以下兒童。」

Will the real dinosaurs stand up?

This plant-eating Jurassic dinosaur was named Yinlong downsi by Xu Xing and colleagues in 2006. Xu Xing is the most prolific namer of new dinosaurs: this is his 25th new species. This type specimen is essentially complete, typical of the good practice of most workers today.
By Jonathan Amos

Science reporter, BBC News

Most of the newly discovered dinosaurs are just that - new to science, an assessment concludes.

With many past fossil finds named on the basis of partial remains, there has been concern that a lot of double counting has been taking place.

Recent studies had even suggested this error rate might be as high as 50% - with some species being catalogued with several aliases.

But the journal Biology Letters reports that modern practice is now very good.

"My research suggests we're getting better at naming things; we're being more critical; we're using better material," said Professor Michael Benton from Bristol University, UK.

The scientist looked at the original descriptions of all 1,047 species of dinosaurs ever named, from 1824 to the present day.

He assessed the quality of the specimens on which the names were founded - the type specimens. Professor Benton said some 500 were genuinely distinct, and the confidence surrounding the latest discoveries - about one new species a fortnight - was now very high.

"The bane of the dinosaurologist's life is species that have been named on the basis of incomplete specimens," Professor Benton explained.

"In Victorian times, palaeontologists were keen to name new species, and in the excitement of the great 'bone wars' for example, from 1870 to 1890, they rushed into print with new names for every odd leg bone, tooth, or skull cap that came their way.

"Later work, on more complete specimens, reduced more than 1,000 named dinosaurs to 500 or so."

Professor Benton said science had now put in place far more rigorous naming protocols, dramatically reducing the "alias problem".

Since 1960, the great majority of new species are founded on more or less complete specimens, sometimes even whole skeletons.

Professor Benton has a critical interest in the topic because he studies the evolution of dinosaurs. He tries to understand how this famous animal group changed and diversified over almost 200 million years.

"There's no point somebody such as myself doing big statistical analyses of numbers of dinosaur species through time - or indeed any other fossil group - if you can't be confident that they really are genuinely different," he told BBC News.

"This is important also for studies of modern biodiversity. People have also been looking at our current knowledge of mammals and insects and other animal groups and asking the simple question: are the species totals and lists we use for important conclusions - including to give political advice about endangered species - are they correct?

"There's been a big debate about vast extinctions among amphibians. We have to know what the species are first, before we can talk about that."

Story from BBC

Published: 2008/09/17 09:07:37 GMT© BBC MMVIII

Study into near-death experiences

By Jane Dreaper
Health correspondent, BBC News

A large study is to examine near-death experiences in heart attack patients.

Doctors at 25 UK and US hospitals will study 1,500 survivors to see if people with no heartbeat or brain activity can have "out of body" experiences.

Some people report seeing a tunnel or bright light, others recall looking down from the ceiling at medical staff.

The study, due to take three years and co-ordinated by Southampton University, will include placing on shelves images that could only be seen from above.

To test this, the researchers have set up special shelving in resuscitation areas. The shelves hold pictures - but they're visible only from the ceiling.

Dr Sam Parnia, who is heading the study, said: "If you can demonstrate that consciousness continues after the brain switches off, it allows for the possibility that the consciousness is a separate entity.

"It is unlikely that we will find many cases where this happens, but we have to be open-minded.

"And if no one sees the pictures, it shows these experiences are illusions or false memories.

"This is a mystery that we can now subject to scientific study."

Dr Parnia works as an intensive care doctor, and felt from his daily duties that science had not properly explored the issue of near-death experiences.

Process of death

He said: "Contrary to popular perception, death is not a specific moment.

"It is a process that begins when the heart stops beating, the lungs stop working and the brain ceases functioning - a medical condition termed cardiac arrest.

"During a cardiac arrest, all three criteria of death are present. There then follows a period of time, which may last from a few seconds to an hour or more, in which emergency medical efforts may succeed in restarting the heart and reversing the dying process.

"What people experience during this period of cardiac arrest provides a unique window of understanding into what we are all likely to experience during the dying process."

Dr Parnia and medical colleagues will analyse the brain activity of 1,500 heart attack survivors, and see whether they can recall the images in the pictures.

Hospitals involved include Addenbrookes in Cambridge, University Hospital in Birmingham and the Morriston in Swansea, as well as nine hospitals in the US.

Story from BBC NEWS:http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/7621608.stm

Published: 2008/09/18 05:00:51 GMT


美英兩國醫生展開一項大型研究,檢驗心臟病患者的“臨死體驗”或稱“接近死亡體驗”(Near-death Experience)。
已列印 2008/09/18 12:34:50 GMT© BBC MMVIII

UK seeking CO2 trading increase

By Roger Harrabin

Environment analyst, BBC News

The UK government wants the right to buy its way out of half its CO2 reduction targets, according to a leaked document.

It says EU nations should be allowed to trade away 50% of their emissions reductions - up from the 30% currently allowed by the European Commission.

The money would go towards clean energy projects in developing countries.

But because some of these schemes would have gone ahead anyway, CO2 is not always saved, warn environment groups.

European nations are currently expected to make around 70% of their carbon reductions on home turf, leaving 30% available for trade.

Reducing that domestic obligation to 50% could allow an extra billion tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere, according to WWF.

Environmentally it does not matter where emissions reductions take place

Leaked government document

The dispute centres on the credibility of the system used for trading international carbon permits - the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) - arranged under the Kyoto Protocol.

It allows rich countries to offset some of their emissions reductions by purchasing carbon credits which help developing countries get clean technology.

Carbon trading is widely accepted in principle as it does not matter where in the world CO2 is cut because its warming potential is global.

'No saving'

In practice the CDM is under fire because some investors are obtaining credits for clean energy projects in countries like China and India that would have been built anyway, meaning that no CO2 is saved overall.

Various reports suggest that between 20% and 60% of CDM projects do not save additional CO2.
Even so, the leaked document (a so-called "non-paper", discussed between government departments but not yet stated policy) argues: "There are many good reasons why we should support increased access to project (CDM) credits.

"[It will] deliver substantial financial flows to developing countries and will also play a key role in any international deal.

"Environmentally it does not matter where emissions reductions take place.

"[The CDM] provides member states with a cost-effective means to meet their obligations and is an important flexibility mechanism."

It admits: "The commitment from developed countries in making emissions reductions is a critical part of reaching an international deal," and says "the use of flexible mechanisms must be supplemental to domestic action".

But it maintains that a 50% share is consistent with this goal.


Dr Keith Allott, head of WWF-UK's climate change programme, said: "This is an appalling proposal from the UK.

"Already the CO2 targets aren't nearly strict enough to avoid the risk of dangerous climate change as defined by scientists. This would weaken the effort even more.

"If governments and companies know they can trade away their responsibilities they will just take their foot off the pedal. We are claiming leadership… this hardly sounds like leadership does it?

"The difference between what the EU are proposing and the UK are proposing is equivalent to 34 extra coal-fired power stations in Europe."

Peter Ainsworth, Conservative environment spokesman said: "Deciding how much CO2 should be traded is not an exact science - it's a matter of judgement.

"But we feel that we should be making around 70% of our emissions cuts on home territory - if it drops to a half then we are rally not sending a signal to the rest of the world that we are taking it seriously."

However Professor Philip Stott, a left-wing climate change sceptic, supported the UK government's stance in principle.

"If we could be sure the CDM was delivering genuine CO2 savings, we should be prepared to offset 100% of our emissions if we are concerned about the poor and climate change," he said.

"There is a need to provide finance to get the best technology to developing countries."

Story from BBC NEWS:


Published: 2008/09/18 01:57:55 GMT


Also see:



宣傳新版健力士紀錄大全 長腿女遇上矮小男 俄國小姐腿長1.32米 內蒙少男身高0.74米
(明報)9月18日 星期四 05:15
【明報專訊】當全球最矮男人遇上世界最長腿女子時,會構成一個怎樣的有趣畫面?周二在倫敦 特拉法加廣場(Trafalgar Square)便擠滿了好奇的人士,目的就是一睹來自中國的全球最矮成人何平平跟第一長腿女子俄羅斯 的潘克拉托娃見面一幕,兩人同為2009年版《健力士世界紀錄 》宣傳。
今年20歲的何平平先天患有侏儒症,身高只有74.6厘米(約2呎5吋)。巧合的是,他和全球最高男子鮑喜順(身高2.36米)還是「鄰居」,均來自內蒙古 。36歲的最長腿女子潘克拉托娃(Svetlana Pankratova)是俄羅斯人,現居西班牙 ,身高6呎4吋的她擁有一對1.32米長的美腿,但上身比例則很正常。由於潘克拉托娃光是腿的長度,就接近何平平身高的兩倍,故兩人合照時,畫面相當有趣的。
潘克拉托娃雖擁有最長雙腿,但全球最高女子紀錄保持者,卻是剛去世的美國 人艾倫(Sandy Allen),她身高7呎7吋。
《健力士紀錄大全》今年是第54版,裏面的古怪紀錄聞所未聞,如Britney Spears被列為網絡搜索量最多的人,美劇《迷失》(Lost)則是下載次數最多的電視節目。該書主編格倫迪(Craig Glenday)說:「這工作棒極了,總要去好多地方,年初我破了自己的旅行紀錄——連續44小時未停歇。」

(明報)9月18日 星期四 13:25
全球最年長的男性、住在日本 九州都城的田鍋友時,今日慶祝113歲生日,他表示仍希望多活5年。
田鍋友時生於1895年9月18日,他113歲生日獲得不少禮物、鮮花,並有都城市長親手送予的1000美元 現金券。
全球最年長的人瑞 是115歲、居住在美國 印弟安納州的老婦柏克。

2008年9月16日 星期二

轉載 : 再來,献支牛奶给黨喝!

From 香港獨立媒體網(inmediahk.net)

週三, 2008-09-17 12:34 — 牧草與早稻
关于三鹿,网友提出的一些疑问/北风 @ 2008-9-14 13:34:21 阅读(8624) 评论(18)
网易博友249(宁夏 银川):卑鄙的三鹿公司
1. 只有给三鹿供鲜奶的奶农会加三聚氰胺?其他厂的奶农都不加……2. 有问题的是700吨奶粉,要数千吨鲜奶原料啊……几家奶农加三聚氰胺能达到这效果?3. 三聚氰胺是微溶于水!加鲜奶里暂时成为混悬液,放置后应该会有大量沉淀的……4. 三鹿自称有1100道检测程序,这TMD都检不出来??5. (奶粉制作工艺之原料乳验收:原料乳必须新鲜,不能混有异常乳,比重应为1.028~1.032(20℃),酸度不超过20°T,含脂率不低于 3.1%,乳固体不低于11.5%。)三聚氰胺比重是1.573,加鲜奶里比重立即变化,莫非奶农用比重计精确调到1.028~1.032,而且其他指标还能合格……这是奶农还是大学实验室教授啊?6. 时间上矛盾:早有天涯网友于2月25日快件寄给三鹿问题奶粉,三鹿称3月中旬获知;并声称8月1日得出奶农添加三聚氰胺的结论,可9月10日前三鹿都坚称奶粉质量合格!明显说谎!7. 07年5月国家质检总局就已经通报三聚氰胺添加冒充蛋白质的案例,作为免检产品,三鹿理应把三聚氰胺纳入监测范围,否则你免检资格的基础是什么?8. 从三聚氰胺的理化特性看,最适合添加到粉状固体产品内,而不是液体,如果奶农真要添加物质增加蛋白质含量,完全可以另选其他易溶于水的化合物!9. 三聚氰胺作为中间体,在市场上少量购买并不方便,奶农并不能很容易得到它;10. 假如真的奶农掺了三聚氰胺,那么三鹿的所有奶粉都出问题才是,事实上,只有三鹿最便宜的婴儿奶粉出了问题……
要看更多“中国牌”毒品照片,请点此 http://www.bullog.cn/blogs/TT31415926/archives/177194.aspx
© 日拱一卒,不期速成。非商业性转载,请全文转载并署作者名。商业性使用,请联系作者。
三鹿集团的声明(註:這是一篇很不錯的惡搞文章)  ……  虽然三鹿奶粉有毒,但三鹿奶粉解决了中国数亿婴幼儿的吃饭问题,历史上谁能做得到?  最后呼吁一下,反华势力抵制中国三鹿奶粉,最终受害的还是广大婴儿们,中国爱国者们都应团结起来,立场鲜明的集体狂喝三鹿奶粉。
  不法三鹿奶农为了多卖钱, 在原奶中加清水; 为了使加过水的奶仍然符合收购标准,又往奶里添加三聚氰胺,最终导致了婴儿肾结石的恶果。  大多数人会说:奶农太缺德了,太无良了,竟让拿我们的的性命开玩笑!  我们不禁要问一问: 奶农为什么往奶里加水? 是不是养奶牛的利润太低或者没有利润甚至还要赔钱? 是不是有制奶企业故意压价的作用? 是不是有制奶企业以势压人的成分?  我们有理由相信绝大多数农民(包括奶农)是纯朴善良的, 如果又足以维持生计的利润, 他们一般不会去冒违法犯罪的风险, 这个利润到底被谁剥夺了?  这样的经济究竟还是不是真正的市场经济? 农民个人究竟什么时候才能和大企业享有同等的地位和待遇?










5 Lifestyle Habits Can Cut Death Risk

Study Shows Healthy Changes Can Reduce Risk of Death for Women
By Kelley Colihan

WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Sept. 16, 2008 -- A new study suggests that middle-aged women who followed certain key lifestyle habits had lower risk for death than those who did not.

Researchers led by Robert van Dam, PhD, of Harvard University's School of Public Health, looked at death risk and five lifestyle factors: cigarette smoking, being overweight, low physical activity, no light or moderate alcohol use, and low-quality diet.

The team interviewed and followed 77,782 female nurses, beginning in 1980. At the start, the women were all cancer-free and did not have cardiovascular disease. They ranged in age from 34 to 59 years old at the start of the study.

The participants were given a questionnaire and followed up every two years for 24 years. They were asked about their lifestyle habits, whether they smoked cigarettes, exercised regularly, what they ate, whether they drank alcohol, and how much and whether they were overweight.

There were 8,882 deaths throughout the 24 years. Of those deaths:

1,790 were from cardiovascular disease
4,527 were from cancer
55% of those deaths were estimated to have been due to smoking, lack of physical activity, being overweight, and low-quality diet
28% of the deaths were tied to smoking
Having five of the five risk factors increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease by a factor of eight compared with having none of the risk factors. The risk of dying from cancer was three times higher and the risk of dying from any cause was four times greater.

Women with light to moderate alcohol intake, defined as up to one drink daily, were less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those who did not drink any alcohol.

The researchers write that the findings should be one more wake-up call to people to make healthy changes like quitting smoking.

The study is published in BMJ Online.


van Dam, R. BMJ Online, September 2008, vol 337.

News release, BMJ.

「神十」發射後 建太空實驗室

(明報)9月17日 星期三 05:15



崔吉俊還透露,「神七」發射後,接着是發射一個目標飛行器,再相繼發射「神八」「神九」 「神十」。「神八」是不載人飛船,升空後去追目標飛行器,追上後與其對接;「神九」同樣也是無人飛船,升空後和目標飛行器對接;「神十」又是載人飛船,升空後再和目標飛行器對接。對接工程完成之後的任務就是打造太空實驗室。

研究顯示雙酚A與心臟病等有關 FDA堅稱安全

(法新社)9月17日 星期三 07:35

(法新社華盛頓 十六日電) 即使首項對人體健康影響的大規模研究顯示,雙酚A(BPA)可能與罹患心臟病 和糖尿病 風險有關,但美國 政府主管機關今天仍為它針對該化學成份的安全性所作評估辯護,指稱廣泛使用於塑膠嬰兒奶瓶和食品容器的雙酚A安全無虞。

美國食品及藥物管理局 (FDA)資深科學家塔倫提諾告訴一個專家小組:「在當前暴露水準下,存在保護包括嬰兒和兒童在內消費者的適當安全餘裕。」前述專家小組被要求針對FDA的雙酚A安全性評估表達第二意見。



美國有多個州正考慮限制雙酚A的使用,部分廠商已開始推銷不含雙酚A的嬰兒奶瓶,若干商店正逐步淘汰含雙酚A的嬰兒用品。歐洲聯盟表示,含雙酚A產品安全無虞。但加拿大 政府提議禁止銷售內含雙酚A的嬰兒奶瓶,以策安全。






2008年9月15日 星期一

pchome 相簿動態塗鴉測試



Clean living 'slows cell ageing'

Taking more exercise and eating the right foods may help increase levels of an enzyme vital for guarding against age-related cell damage, work suggests.

Among 24 men asked to adopt healthy lifestyle changes for a US study in The Lancet Oncology, levels of telomerase increased by 29% on average.

Telomerase repairs and lengthens telomeres, which cap and protect the ends of chromosomes housing DNA.

As people age, telomeres shorten and cells become more susceptible to dying.

It is the damage and death of cells that causes ageing and disease in people.

Several factors such as smoking, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are associated with shorter-than-average telomeres.

"This might be a powerful motivator for many people to beneficially change their diet and lifestyle." The study authors

Professor Dean Ornish, from the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in California, and his team wanted to find out if improvements in diet and lifestyle might have the opposite effect.

They asked 30 men, all with low-risk prostate cancers, to take part in a three-month trial of comprehensive lifestyle changes.

These consisted of a diet high in fruit and vegetables, supplements of vitamins and fish oils, an exercise regimen and classes in stress management, relaxation techniques and breathing exercises.

Telomerase activity was measured at the beginning of the trial and again at the end.

Among the 24 men who had sufficient data for analysis, blood levels of telomerase increased by 29% on average.

Increases in telomerase activity were linked with decreases in "bad" LDL cholesterol and decreases in one measure of stress - intrusive thoughts.

The researchers say it is too early to tell if the boost in telomerase levels will translate to a change in telomere length.

But there is evidence to suggest that telomere shortness and low telomerase activity might be important risk factors for cancer and cardiovascular disease.

"This might be a powerful motivator for many people to beneficially change their diet and lifestyle," they told The Lancet Oncology.

Professor Tim Spector, from King's College London, who has been researching ageing and telomeres, said: "This work builds on what we already know.

"Lifestyle can affect your telomeres. It would be interesting to find out whether it is diet, stress or both that is important."

Story from BBC NEWS:http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/7616660.stmPublished: 2008/09/15 22:59:57 GMT© BBC MMVIII

Chamomile tea 'may ease diabetes'

Drinking chamomile tea daily may help prevent the complications of type 2 diabetes, such as loss of vision and nerve and kidney damage, a study says.

UK and Japanese researchers fed a chamomile extract to diabetic rats.

The extract appeared to cut blood sugar levels and block activity of an enzyme associated with the development of diabetic complications.

Charity Diabetes UK cautioned against patients acting on the findings until further research had been carried out.

However, researchers say the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry study raises hope of a new anti-diabetes drug.

"More research would be needed before we can come to any firm conclusions about the role chamomile tea plays in fighting diabetes-related complications." Dr Victoria King Diabetes UK

Cases of type 2 diabetes, many of which are linked to obesity, are on the increase throughout the developed world.

Chamomile, also known as manzanilla, has been used for years as a medicinal cure-all to treat a variety of medical problems including stress, colds and menstrual cramps.

Researchers from University of Toyama, led by Atsushi Kato, fed chamomile extract to a group of diabetic rats for 21 days and compared the results with a group of control animals on a normal diet.

Enzyme inhibition

Blood glucose levels - high levels of which are a sign of diabetes - were significantly lower in the animals fed the extract, which appeared to inhibit production of the sugar in the liver.

Tests also showed reduced activity of an enzyme called aldose reductase in tissue samples from the extract group.

This enzyme helps change glucose into a sugar alcohol called sorbitol.

In people with type 2 diabetes, the activity of aldose reductase increases as glucose levels rise in the blood.

However, sorbitol does not move easily across cell membranes and it can collect in excess quantity, particularly in eye and nerve cells, where it can cause serious damage.

Dr Victoria King, of the charity Diabetes UK, said: "More research would be needed before we can come to any firm conclusions about the role chamomile tea plays in fighting diabetes-related complications.

"Diabetes UK wouldn't recommend people with diabetes increase their chamomile tea intake just yet.

"Eating a healthy balanced diet, taking regular physical activity and adhering to any prescribed medicines remain key ways to effectively control blood glucose levels, blood pressure and blood fats.

"Good diabetes management will help reduce the risk of serious complications such as heart disease, stroke and blindness."

Story from BBC NEWS:http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/7617294.stmPublished: 2008/09/15 23:25:49 GMT© BBC MMVIII

Poor health 'due to wet climate'

Scotland's poor health record could be directly linked to a lack of sunshine, a scientist has said.
Dr Oliver Gillie linked the "extreme" weather to vitamin D deficiency, which is caused by low exposure to sunlight.

He has called for "urgent" government action to encourage people to take a daily dose of vitamin D to help tackle diseases such as cancer and MS.

Scotland's chief medical officer said the Scottish Government was already considering the evidence on vitamin D.

Dr Gillie's research involved examining vitamin D levels across Europe and mortality rates from certain diseases.

Medics have already established a lack of the vitamin as a factor in conditions like heart disease and cancer, of which Scotland has some of the highest levels in Europe.

In his study, Dr Gillie called for "urgent action" by the Scottish Government.

This, he said, could include a campaign to encourage people to take a daily dose of the vitamin.

"If vitamin D supplements can be shown to contribute to that agenda then we will make the appropriate recommendations." Dr Harry Burns Chief medical officer

He also suggested that doctors should be able to prescribe stronger doses and that "megadoses" containing up to 50 times the current daily dose could be taken.

"Scotland has an extreme climate characterised by very little sunshine - it gets as little sunshine as some places in the Arctic Circle," he said.

"Its people have low levels of vitamin D because most vitamin D comes from the effect of sun on skin.

"Scots also have high levels of chronic illness - among the highest in the world.

"But vitamin D has received little or no attention from policy-makers in Scotland.

He called on ministers to introduce measures which would help Scotland catch up with other European countries which enjoy more favourable climates.

He said: "They need to revise advice to people.

"This is a problem that can be solved if they have got the political will to do it."

Placed in food

He added that vitamin D supplements could also be placed in foods such as bread, orange juice and milk.

"It also needs to be easier for GPs to prescribe vitamin D," he said.

"In France they take megadoses.

"This is something that could be considered and included in guidelines."

Chief medical officer, Dr Harry Burns, said Dr Gillie had made "an important contribution" to the debate on Scotland's health.

"The Scottish Government has already been considering the evidence on vitamin D and has already arranged a meeting of experts in the field for later this year to consider the significance of existing research and to recommend what further action is required," he said.

"It is important that attempts to improve health in Scotland remain focused on action on the social, economic, behavioural and psychological determinants of health.

"If vitamin D supplements can be shown to contribute to that agenda then we will make the appropriate recommendations."

Story from BBC NEWS:http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/7616421.stmPublished: 2008/09/15 10:51:25 GMT© BBC MMVIII

Attraction 'down to testosterone'

High testosterone in women makes them more attracted to masculine actors such as Daniel Craig, with men favouring the femininity typified by Natalie Portman.

The claim has been made by the University of Aberdeen's Face Research Laboratory.

Their research says that changes in testosterone levels affect the extent to which men and women are attracted to different types of faces.

This is rather than people being attracted to particular types.

James Bond actor Daniel Craig and fellow star of the big screen Russell Crowe were highlighted as masculine.

"People preferred different types of face in the session where their testosterone level was highest than in the session where it was lowest." Dr Ben Jones Face Research Laboratory

Star Wars actress Natalie Portman and Lost star Evangeline Lilly were said to typify feminine faces.

The researchers asked male and female volunteers to complete short face preference tests in which they were shown pairs of masculine and feminine faces.

Participants were asked to choose which face from each pair was more attractive.

They completed four different test sessions that were each a week apart.

In each session, volunteers also provided a saliva sample which was used to measure
testosterone levels.

Fluctuation affect

Dr Ben Jones, a psychology lecturer, said: "People preferred different types of face in the session where their testosterone level was highest than in the session where it was lowest.

"When men's testosterone levels were high, they were more attracted to feminine women. When women's testosterone levels were high, they were more attracted to masculine men.

"Since masculine men and feminine women are thought to produce the healthiest children and sex drive is higher when testosterone levels are also high, these findings suggest that men and women in hormonal states where their interest in sex is highest, show stronger attraction to high quality - or healthy - mates."

Colleague Dr Lisa Welling added: "We tend to think that attraction is relatively stable over time.
"However, our research shows that attraction is affected by fluctuations in testosterone levels."

Story from BBC NEWS:http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/north_east/7616354.stmPublished: 2008/09/15 11:05:40 GMT© BBC MMVIII


而倫敦大學國王學院(King's College of London)的一組研究人員在經過340例臨床實驗後發現,熏衣草的香氣也可以起到為口腔病患者治療前安定精神的效果。
負責領導這項實驗的科學家梅塔莎﹒克里希迪馬(Metaxia Kritsidima)表示:"很多牙病患者由於害怕牙醫使用的器械而選擇有病也不治療,這就是為什麼找到一個能夠緩解病人緊張心理的方法非常重要。"
另一位參與實驗的科學家庫拉﹒阿希瑪科普魯博士(Dr Koula Asimakopoulou)也表示:"無論病人來接受哪一種治療,聞到薰衣草香氣均起到比較顯著的放鬆作用。"

BBC中文網報導http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/chinese/trad/hi/newsid_7610000/newsid_7614900/7614915.stm已列印 2008/09/13 21:31:15 GMT© BBC MMVIII


(明報)9月15日 星期一 05:10
【明報專訊】英國 前首相戴卓爾夫人,1979至1990在任期間叱咤風雲。近日她女兒在新書中,首度披露「鐵娘子」患癡呆症的種種,像她忘記老伴戴卓爾先生已過世5年了,令人不勝唏噓之餘,也產生滿腦疑惑﹕不是說教育程度較高的人,患癡呆症的機會較低嗎?畢業於牛津 大學的戴卓爾夫人,為什麼也會患上癡呆症?
英國廣播公司 報道,戴卓爾夫人2002年曾多次小中風 。據耆智園的網頁指出,中風正是另一種癡呆症「血管性癡呆症」(Vascular dementia)的起因,佔整體癡呆症個案總數三成。

Oceans are 'too noisy' for whales

By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News website

Noise from oil exploration is implicated in the plight of gray whales near Sakhalin

Levels of noise in the world's oceans are causing serious problems for whales, dolphins and other marine mammals, a report warns.

The International Fund for Animal Welfare (Ifaw) says undersea noise blocks animals' communication and disrupts feeding.

Naval sonar has been implicated in the mass deaths of some cetaceans.
In some regions, the level of ocean noise is doubling each decade, and Ifaw says protective measures are failing.

"Humanity is literally drowning out marine mammals," said Robbie Marsland, UK director of Ifaw.

"While nobody knows the precise consequences for specific animals, unless the international community takes preventive measures we are likely to discover only too late the terrible damage we're causing."

In its global assessment of cetacean species, released last month, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) concluded that ocean noise posed a significant threat.
Across the spectrum

Whales and dolphins use sound in ways that are clearly important to their survival, though not completely understood.

Baleen whales, such as blue and humpback whales, produce low frequency calls that can travel thousands of kilometres through water.

Dolphins and toothed whales generate higher frequency clicks used to locate prey.
Noise generated by ships' engines and propellers, and by seismic airguns used in oil and gas exploration, produce a range of frequencies that can interfere with both these groups of species, Ifaw concludes.

Its report - Ocean Noise: Turn it down - cites research showing that the effective range of blue whales' calls is only about one-tenth of what it was before the era of engine-driven commercial shipping.

Movements of large ships on the open ocean are largely unrestricted

It also notes that high-energy military sonar systems have driven the mass strandings and deaths of beaked whales.

The sonar is thought to disrupt the animals' diving behaviour so much that they suffer a condition rather like "the bends" which human divers can contract if they surface too quickly.
Pressure from conservation groups has led to restrictions on the use of sonar by the US Navy.
In some places, companies involved in oil and gas exploration limit their use of seismic airguns.
But Ifaw argues these restrictions are not enough.

The use of high-energy sonar and seismic airguns should be completely prohibited in sensitive areas, it says. National legislation, such as the UK's Marine Bill, should comprehensively restrict the exposure of cetaceans to noise.

The UK branch of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) has sounded alarm bells recently over oil and gas exploration in the Moray Firth, home to a small population of bottlenose dolphins.

The Ifaw report is not the first to raise the threat posed by ocean noise, and it will not be the last.

The problem is that most of the activities causing the problem - commercial shipping, mineral extraction - are part and parcel of the modern, interconnected economy.

A further obstacle to legislation is that much of the noise is generated on the high seas, which are largely unregulated.


'Big bang' experiment is hacked

Part of the computer system of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was hacked into as the world's most powerful physics experiment got under way.

A group calling itself the "Greek Security Team" hacked into a computer connected to the system last Wednesday.

A spokesman for Cern, the lab that houses the LHC, said the hackers put up a message on the facility's website.

No harm was done but the incident has highlighted the need for security in the LHC's network, the spokesman said.

The hackers had targeted the computer network of the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment (CMS), a huge detector that analyses data from the particle accelerator.

The LHC is attempting to recreate the conditions just after the Big Bang, in which the universe was created.

With the world watching as the first particles began circulating in the LHC, engineers were searching the hacked computer for possible malicious damage.

The CMS website displayed a page with a mocking message, in Greek, which included the line: "We are 2600 - don't mess with us".

It was not a malicious hack and it was quickly detected... but this sort of thing keeps you on your toes James Gillies, Cern

As a result of the attack, the CMS webpage www.cmsmon.cern.ch, can no longer be viewed.
Cern spokesman James Gillies told the BBC that the compromised computer was not connected to the accelerator itself.

"The computer is used to monitor one of the experiments at the LHC, it's nothing to do with the LHC accelerator itself or any of the control systems," he said.

"It seems it was not a malicious hack and it was quickly detected and corrected but this sort of thing keeps you on your toes."

Mr Gillies said the LHC had a general access network and a more restricted access network which controls the sensitive systems.

Weakness introduced

He said that the experiment involved 10,000 scientists at 500 universities in 80 countries and that keeping on top of systems security was "not a trivial task".

"As far as I understand there was one user somewhere - who wasn't a hacker - who uploaded something on to this machine and inadvertently introduced a weakness that allowed people to get in," he said.

"Our IT department is constantly reminding the experimental collaborators of security issues regarding the network and will continue to do so," he said. "This may have strengthened their message."

The number 2600 is often used by the hacking community. It is believed to have originated in the US in the 1960s with the discovery that a tone of 2600Hz played down the line could be used to access restricted parts of the national telephone system.

Story from BBC NEWS:http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/technology/7616622.stmPublished: 2008/09/15 11:24:56 GMT© BBC MMVIII

Taxi drivers 'have brain sat-nav'

From BBC

Taxi drivers 'have brain sat-nav'
By Elizabeth Mitchell
Science reporter, BBC News

Scientists have uncovered evidence for an inbuilt "sat-nav" system in the brains of London taxi drivers.

They used magnetic scanners to explore the brain activity of taxi drivers as they navigated their way through a virtual simulation of London's streets.

Different brain regions were activated as they considered route options, spotted familiar landmarks or thought about their customers.

The research was presented at this week's BA Science Festival.

Earlier studies had shown that taxi drivers have a larger hippocampus - a region of the brain that plays an important role in navigation.

Their brains even "grow on the job" as they build up detailed information needed to find their way around London's labyrinth of streets - information famously referred to as "The Knowledge".

"We were keen to go beyond brain structure - and see what activity is going on inside the brains of taxi drivers while they are doing their job," said Dr Hugo Spiers from University College London.

The scientists used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to obtain "minute by minute" brain images from 20 taxi drivers as they delivered customers to destinations on "virtual jobs".

The scientists adapted the Playstation2 game "Getaway" to bring the streets of London into the scanner.

After the scan - and without prior warning - the drivers watched a replay of their performance and reported what they had been thinking at each stage.

"We tried to peel out the common thoughts that taxi drivers tend to have as they drive through the city, and then tie them down to a particular time and place," said Dr Spiers.

The series of scans revealed a complex choreography of brain activity as the taxi drivers responded to different scenarios.

The hippocampus was only active when the taxi drivers initially planned their route, or if they had to completely change their destination during the course of the journey.

The scientists saw activity in a different brain region when the drivers came across an unexpected situation - for example, a blocked-off junction.

Another part of the brain helped taxi drivers to track how close they were to the endpoint of their journey; like a metal detector, its activity increased when they were closer to their goal.

Changes also occurred in brain regions that are important in social behaviour.

Taxi driving is not just about navigation: "Drivers do obsess occasionally about what their customers are thinking," said Dr Spiers.

Animals use a number of different mechanisms to navigate - the Sun's polarized light rays, the Earth's magnetic fields and the position of the stars.

This research provides new information about the specific roles of areas within the brains of expert human navigators.


(星島)9月16日 星期二 06:30
(星島日報 報道)父親於廿年前離世,雖令山中伸弥傷心不已,但造就了今屆邵逸夫獎生命科學與醫學獎得主的誕生。山中伸弥的父親一直望子成為仁醫,不過他最終沒有考進醫學院,眼見年僅五十八歲的父親因糖尿病 病逝,他立志要成為研究幹細胞的專家,協助醫學界尋找醫治頑疾的方法。今天他終可拿着獎項,欣然對天堂的父親說:「我償了你的心願!」
  日本 京都大學前沿醫科研究所教授山中伸弥,年僅四十六歲已獲得邵逸夫獎,被公認是年輕有為的科學家。前年他發表報告,指只要引入四種基因,便可將成年小老鼠的皮膚細胞誘導成為胚胎樣細胞,並稱之為「誘導型多能幹細胞」(iPS),這成果震驚了科學界。去年底,他更發現人類的皮膚成纖維細胞,亦可以同樣的方法誘導成為多能幹細胞,開啟了利用病人自身皮膚細胞治病的大門,更避免了移植器官時,免疫系統排斥的問題。